*HSX: A Framework for Haskell Transformation* Note that this was the second Stratego project and probably not up-to-date with modern Stratego programming practices HSX is the byproduct of the work on the implementation of the WarmFusionTransformation in Stratego. Apart from the warm fusion transformation itself, it contains a whole range of standard utilities (such as simplification, variable renaming, substitution, ...) that can be used to transform Haskell programs. *Limitations* The current version only supports a subset of the complete language. The syntax definition is complete, but does not support the offside rule. The framework contains a very simple typechecker that is used to distribute types over expressions; it assumes type declarations for all functions. *Requirements* The framework is implemented on top of the XT bundle of transformation tools and requires XT version 0.3 with Stratego version 0.4.17. *Source* * https://svn.strategoxt.org/repos/StrategoXT/hsx/trunk/