Pattern Skin Palette
This page gives an overview of the colors used by
PatternSkin and describes where to change them to create your own style.
Create your own colors
To create a customised set of colors for
- download PatternSkinPalette.css?
- modify the CSS colors in PatternSkinPalette.css
- /attach/Main/TWikiGuest attach? your modified PatternSkinPalette.css to your home page
- as shown below, add the
setting to your home page
* Plugins.PatternSkin CSS Settings (change colour palette)
You can also change the colors in a modified version of
. See
PatternSkinCustomization for instructions.
Colors overview
Text colors
#e24628 |
header h1 |
#990000 |
header h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 |
#F3EDE7 |
background header h2 |
#8490A1 |
grayed out text .twikiGrayText |
#1e5bbd |
link :link, :visited |
#b4d5ff |
background hover link (note: the link color becomes #1559B3 on hover) :link:hover |
#666666 |
visited link in topic text .twikiTopic a:visited |
#7A4707 |
code pre, code, tt |
#000000 |
body text |
Page colors
#f8f8f8 |
page body |
#ffffff |
main page .twikiMain |
#dddddd |
main page border .twikiMain |
Left bar
#880000 |
body text in left bar .twikiLeftBar |
#22638C |
top border left bar contents .twikiLeftBarContents |
personal left bar background .twikiLeftBarPersonal |
#cccccc |
personal left bar border .twikiLeftBarPersonal |
Action buttons
View page
#98A2B0 |
action buttons background view page .twikiTopicAction |
#ffffff |
action buttons text and links |
#cccccc |
action buttons links bottom border |
Non-view pages
#22638c |
action buttons background non-view page .twikiTopicAction |
#698FA8 |
action buttons links bottom border |
action buttons secondary row (top) background .twikiTopicActionSecondary |
#22638c |
action buttons secondary row text |
#A3BCF1 |
action buttons secondary row links bottom border |
#D4E6FC |
action buttons submit options .twikiSubmitOptions |
#B6C6D9 |
action buttons submit options border .twikiSubmitOptions |
#041D3A |
submit button .twikiSubmit |
#f2f2f2 |
button background .twikiSubmit |
#05264D |
submit button .twikiButton |
#E8F1F9 |
topic submit button .twikiTopic .twikiSubmit |
#B9D6FA |
secondary submit button .twikiTopic .twikiSubmit |
#eeeeee |
cancel button .twikiCancel |
Edit page
textarea background .twikiEditPage textarea |
#888888 |
.twikiChangeFormButton |
#E0E9F7 |
edit form header background .twikiEditPage .twikiEditForm th |
#F5F7FD |
edit form row background .twikiEditPage .twikiEditForm td |
signature area background .twikiEditPage .twikiSig input |
#cccccc |
help text .twikiEditPage .twikiHelp |
#990000 |
help text code text .twikiEditPage .twikiHelp code |
Versatile table
#F5F7FD |
background .twikiVersatileTable td |
#E0E9F7 |
background .twikiVersatileTable th |
#ffffff |
background main part .twikiVersatileTable .twikiMainCol |
#E9E9E9 |
background .twikiVersatileTable .twikiOldCol |
#E9E9E9 |
background .twikiVersatileTable .twikiOldCol |
#8490A1 |
help text .twikiHelpCol |
Attachment and form table
#888e9c |
text color |
#000000 |
text color previous attachments .twikiAttachPage .twikiPrevious .twikiAttachments table |
#cccccc |
borders |
#334455 |
sort indicator line .twikiAttachments a, .twikiForm a |
#ffffff |
background color |
#f1f1f1 |
background color view page |
sort indicator background .twikiAttachments th.twikiSortedAscendingCol |
Diff pages
#FF3000 |
deleted header background .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffDeletedHeader, -twikiDiffDeletedMarker |
deleted header background .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffDeletedText |
#3DB234 |
added header background .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffAddedHeader, -twikiDiffAddedMarker |
added header background .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffAddedText |
#98A2B0 |
changed header and row background .twikiDiffPage th.twikiDiffChangedHeader |
#dddddd |
.twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffLineNumberHeader |
Various colors
#9E9E70 |
horizontal line hr |
#cccccc |
left bar horizontal line hr |
#dddddd |
TOC border .twikiToc |
#666666 |
TOC title .twikiToc .twikiTocTitle |
#F3EDE7 |
background search results header .twikiSearchResultsHeader, .twikiSearchString |
#cccccc |
bottom border search results header .twikiSearchResultsHeader, .twikiSearchString |
#ff0000 |
alert .twikiAlert |
#990000 |
alert in search results .twikiSearchResults .twikiSummary .twikiAlert |
#22638c |
search results in book view, top row background .twikiBookViewList .twikiTopRow |
#cccccc |
search results in book view, top row .twikiBookViewList .twikiTopRow |
#ffff00 |
broadcast message background .twikiBroadcastMessage |
#ff0000 |
broadcast message bold text .twikiBroadcastMessage strong |
Descending color table
rgb | colour sample |
#000000 |
#041d3a |
#05264d |
#333333 |
#334455 |
#880000 |
#990000 |
#844f0c |
#22638c |
#666666 |
#3db234 |
#1559b3 |
#1e5bbd |
#808080 |
#888888 |
#e24628 |
#698fa8 |
#9e9e70 |
#888e9c |
#8490a1 |
#ff0000 |
#ff3000 |
#98a2b0 |
#aaaaaa |
#bbbbbb |
#a3bcf1 |
#cccccc |
#ffff00 |
#b9d6fa |
#dadada |
#b4d5ff |
#dddddd |
#e9e9e9 |
#e0e9f7 |
#efedea |
#f3ede7 |
#dfedfd |
#eeeeee |
#ebf7ea |
#efefef |
#ffeae5 |
#e8f1f9 |
#f1f1f1 |
#f2f2f2 |
#f8f8f8 |
#f5f7fd |
#fcfaf7 |
#ffffff |
ArthurClemens? - 29 Aug 2004