Jimple-front release jimple-front-0.1pre17950

This page provides release jimple-front-0.1pre17950 of Jimple-front. It was generated automatically on 2008-08-06 18:20:13 UTC from revision 17950 of the path /sootxt/jimple-front/trunk of its Subversion repository (the XML record of the build job is available).


Source Icon Source distribution

This source distribution requires that the following packages are also installed:

SuSE Icon RPM for SUSE Linux 9.0 (i386)

This RPM requires that the following RPM packages are also installed:

openSUSE Icon RPM for openSUSE 10.3 (i586)

This RPM requires that the following RPM packages are also installed:

Fedora Icon RPM for Fedora Core 5 (i386)

This RPM requires that the following RPM packages are also installed:

Fedora Icon RPM for Fedora 7 (i386)

This RPM requires that the following RPM packages are also installed:

Fedora Icon RPM for Fedora 8 (i386)

This RPM requires that the following RPM packages are also installed:


This release can be installed through Nix, a system for software deployment. It has been built for the following platforms:

You can install this package and keep it up to date by subscribing to the channel jimple-front-unstable by once executing

$ nix-channel --add http://releases.strategoxt.org/jimple-front/channels/jimple-front-unstable
$ nix-channel --update
$ nix-env -i jimple-front-0.1pre17950
and then running
$ nix-channel --update
$ nix-env -u jimple-front
every time you want to upgrade to the latest release.

Alternatively, if you have Nix 0.8 installed, and have associated the application/nix-package MIME type with the nix-install-package script in your web browser, you can install the package simply by clicking on the links below. This only works if your Nix store is in /nix/store.

The channel contains the following prebuilt packages:



In case of build or usage problems with this release, please first check if there are newer releases that solve the problem. Otherwise report problems to stratego@cs.uu.nl, mentioning the full version number and a description of the platform you are building on. In case of a build problem include the part of the build log showing the error. In case of a usage problem try to narrow down the problem as much as possible and include enough information to reproduce the error.

Build Logs

Build of the Source Tarball on i686-linux

Build of a Nix Package on i686-linux

Build of a Nix Package on x86_64-linux

Build of a Nix Package on i686-darwin

Build of an RPM on SUSE Linux 9.0 (i386)

Build of an RPM on openSUSE 10.3 (i586)

Build of an RPM on Fedora Core 5 (i386)

Build of an RPM on Fedora 7 (i386)

Build of an RPM on Fedora 8 (i386)