Is their a way to display strategies (or just thier names) from within Stratego. This could be used to add trace monitors to Stratego code. For example: ------------------------------ I-str-detectfail-here(s) = s <+ ...Display s somehow!... ------------------------------ Might be used to call strategies whose specification says they should not fail -- displaying a big warning message and the strategy name when (i mean if;) they do.. -- Bill J Ellis There is no way to introspect a strategy at run-time to get its name (or any other analysis for that matter). What you might find useful is the strategy risky in term-io.str (in SSL), defined as: risky(msg, s) = restore(s, debug(msg)) which will print msg on failure of s (see restore in conditional.str). Thus, you can wrap the strategy that you expect to succeed with risky(!"strategy s should always succeed here: "), s) One could imagine instrumenting the Stratego code such that a strategy would print its name upon request, or go into reflection mode. I'd have to think about details though. -- Main.EelcoVisser - 23 Jul 2003