Note that is a release of the old Stratego/XT package targeting the C platform. Stratego and SDF are now released as part of the Spoofax Language Workbench which provides an Eclipse plugin for editing SDF and Stratego, compilation of SDF and Stratego for the JVM, as well as supporting the production of Eclipse plugins for your own languages. This release is maintained for historical purposes.

-- EelcoVisser, 23 November 2011

Stratego/XT is available in several ways:

  • Users of Stratego/XT or packages based on Stratego/XT typically just want to download the latest release.
  • Developers of software based on Stratego/XT might want to use the latest continuous build.
  • Stratego/XT developers, working on Stratego/XT itself, need to checkout the latest sources.

The integration builds are currently most up-to-date and are advised for end-users and developers. Using the Nix package management system provides the easiest way to easily install the latest binary releases.

To get the latest stable release of Stratego/XT using nix, perform the following steps:

$ nix-channel --add
$ nix-channel --update
$ nix-env -i aterm-2.5 sdf2-bundle strategoxt-0.17

Latest stable release -- StrategoXT 0.17

The latest stable release of Stratego/XT is 0.17. For more information go here.

See the installation instructions if you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of tarballs or RPMs.

Source tar.gz

SuSE Linux RPM

SuSE 11.0:

SuSE 10.3:

Fedora Core RPM

Fedora Core 11:

Fedora Core 10:

Fedora Core 9:

Fedora Core 5:

Debian DEB

Debian 5.0:

Debian 4.0:

Ubuntu DEB

Ubuntu 9.04:

Ubuntu 8.10:

Ubuntu 8.04:

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries

  • The *-cygwin.tar.gz files contain a file README with installation instructions.

Mac OS X binaries

  • The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file README with installation instructions.

Nix Package

One-click installation using Nix, open with nix-install-package

Integration Builds

The Stratego/XT packages integration build provides a heavily tested release of the latest version of Stratego/XT, its dependencies, and packages based on Stratego/XT. The packages are guaranteed to work together without any problems. The latest successful integration build is available at:

Installing more recent releases of individual packages (see continuous build) might result in incompatible combinations of packages, so this is discouraged.

How to install?

Nix Channel. We advice to use the Nix package manager for installing packages from our release management system. To keep your installation up to date, we advice to subscribe to the strategoxt-packages Nix channel, as explained on the release page of strategoxt-packages.

Nix Package. You can use the Nix package manager to install packages (without subscribing to the strategoxt-packages Nix channel) by clicking on the link for your platform of the package that you want to install (see the table at the channel page). If your browser asks what to do with this file, choose to open it using /nix/bin/nix-install-package.

Source. The integration build provides links to the releases that have been built and tested for this integration build. At the release pages of the individual packages, you will find source distributions.

RPM. Many packages also provide RPMs. Similar to installation from source, you can find RPMs at the release pages of the individual packages.

Binary Windows Archive. Some packages provide support for native Microsoft Windows. In this case the release page of the individual package provides a link to a .zip file that you can extract to any location in your file system. You don't need to install Cygwin.

Detailed instructions

See the installation instructions if you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of source tarballs or RPMs.

Continuous Builds

Note that Stratego is now part of the Spoofax Language Workbench, which provides an Eclipse plugin for developing SDF and Stratego, and creating Eclipse IDE plugins for your own language. See the Spoofax website for information and downloads: This website is still available for historical purposes. Refer the new site for up-to-date documentation.

The buildfarm continuously builds Stratego/XT and related packages. The distributions contain the latest of the latest developments. Although the distributions are thoroughly tested by the buildfarm, such an installation is not guaranteed to be stable.

Continuous builds are available at:

To get strategoxt and the dependencies using nix, please use the follwoing commands:

 nix-channel --add
 nix-channel --update
 nix-env -i aterm-2.5 sdf2-bundle strategoxt

Stratego/XT extensions

Not all Stratego related packages are in the Stratego/XT distribution. Stratego/XT Extensions points you to releases, daily distributions, and the latest sources of these packages.


The most recent sources can be obtained from Subversion. Please note that doing this is useless if you don't actually want to modify the sources. If you just want to have the latest developments as a user, using an usstable distribution is the best way to get this hot stuff.

For instructions on how to obtain the latest sources please see the manual.

Older Releases

Older releases of Stratego/XT and Stratego are still available:

Revision: r1.45 - 23 Nov 2011 - 09:33 - EelcoVisser
Stratego > StrategoDownload
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