Fifth International Conference on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'06)
October 22-26, 2006
Portland, Oregon
(co-located with OOPSLA'06)
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT.
GPCE'06 proceedings published by ACM Press.
Program Chairs
- Douglas Schmidt, Vanderbilt University
- Todd Veldhuizen, Indiana University
Program chairs can be contacted at
for issues concerning tool demonstrations
Important Dates
The conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering
offers practitioners and tool-developers an opportunity to give an
in-depth technical demonstration of products, tools, techniques or
approaches supporting program generation, domain-specific modeling,
generative programming, template meta-programming,
aspect-oriented software development, model-driven architecture,
component generation, and other related topics.
GPCE tool demonstrations typically show how tools are applied in real
world scenarios, for example, by considering a small case-study. We
explicitly invite proposals from both industry as well as academia.
Demonstrations will be selected on their technical content, practical
or academic relevance, and feasibility of the proposed demonstration.
While we encourage proposals for the demonstration of commercial tools, we expect the presentation to address technical issues. Product marketing is inappropriate for this forum. If there are concerns with regard to the appropriateness of a demonstration or tool, feel free to contact
Organizational Issues
A demonstration session lasts 45 minutes, and should be centered
around a technical exposition of the tool, but the demonstrators
should provide time for questions from the public, either during the
session or at the end.
Demonstration proposals, written according to the guidelines outlined
below, should be submitted by
May 5, 2006, 23:59, Apia time (tentative).
Electronic submission will be required.
Proponents will be notified of acceptance by
June 28, 2005 (tentative).
Demonstration proposals will be evaluated by the Program Committee and
will compete with technical papers for time slots in the Conference
It is the responsibility of the proponent to meet the hardware and software requirements needed to run a demonstration (ideally it should run on the presenter's laptop). The conference organization will provide only a data projector, an overhead projector and wireless connection.
Presenters of accepted demonstrations must provide a two-page summary description to be published on the website and handed out at the conference.
Proposal Guidelines
A proposal for demonstration be submitted electronically in
PDF format and should contain the following information:
- A demonstration title
- Name, organization, email, address, and phone number of the contact person
- Names and affiliations of the other presenters
- A description (max 400 words) addressing the following issues:
- Problems addressed
- Relevance to Generative Programming or Component Engineering
- Uniqueness of design and implementation,
- Underlying implementation techniques and technologies used
- A description of what the audience will see and how the
demonstration will be run
- A URL of a web site with additional information, if available
Program Committee
Program Chairs:
Program Committee Members:
- Giuseppe Attardi (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Elisa Baniassad (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
- Don Batory (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Ira Baxter (Semantic Designs, USA)
- Shigeru Chiba (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Charles Consel (INRIA/LaBRI, France)
- Krzysztof Czarnecki (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Aniruddha Gokhale (Vanderbilt University, USA)
- Jeff Gray (U. of Alabama Birmingham, USA)
- George Heineman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA)
- Zhenjiang Hu (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- H.-Arno Jacobsen (University of Toronto, Canada)
- Oleg Kiselyov (FNMOC, USA)
- Fabio Kon (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- Karl Lieberherr (Northeastern University, USA)
- Joe Loyall (BBN Technologies, USA)
- Mira Mezini (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany)
- Torben Æ. Mogensen (DIKU, Denmark)
- Emir Pasalic (Rice University, USA)
- Calton Pu (Georgia Tech, USA)
- Tim Sheard (Portland State University, USA)
- Yannis Smaragdakis (Georgia Tech, USA)
- Michael Stal (Siemens, Germany)
- Peri Tarr (IBM TJ Watson, USA)
- Peter Thiemann (Freiburg University, Germany)
- Eelco Visser (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
For More Information
For additional information, clarification, or questions, please feel
free to e-mail (