Octave Type Inferencer
The Octave Type Inferencer is a typechecker for the Octave language. Although the implementation has changed significantly, currently the ideas are only expressed in the following paper,
- K. Olmos and E. Visser. Turning Dynamic Typing into Static Typing by Program Specialization. In D. Binkley and P. Tonella, editors, Third IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM'03), pages 141--150, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. (ieee, info, tr, pdf, bib).
The latest sources of the Octave Typechecker can be found at The Octave Typechecker uses a list of manually specified types of built-in, mapping or dynamically loaded function (see also Function Type Specification).Octave Types
- Base types
- Integer
- Float
- Boolean
- Function handle
- String
- Composite types
- Array of <base-type>
- Cell array
- Struct
- Universal type
- Separate processes
- Type-inferencing?
- Type based optimization