Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'05)
Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2005,
(co-located with TFP 2005 and ICFP 2005)
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT
Workshop chairs can be contacted at
Workshop proposal schedule:
This call is for workshop organizers; a later call will occur for workshop contributions.
Workshop schedule:
Early registration to conference and workshops closes on Jul 29, 2005.
GPCE workshops provide intensive collaborative environments where generative and component technology researchers and practitioners meet to discuss and solve challenging problems facing the field.
We encourage proposals for innovative, well-focused workshops on a broad spectrum of component engineering and generative programming topics. All topics related to the theme of the conference are potential candidates for workshops. Workshops typically fall into the following categories:
Workshop topics are by no means limited to the categories mentioned above. However, in each case, the proposed area is supposed to have enough impetus to yield new results that can be considered important and worth more detailed investigation.
Workshop proposals should be sent in ASCII or PDF format to the workshop chairs and should consist of the following four parts:
1. Cover Page
2. Abstract
3. Call for Participation
4. Organizers Bio and Past Events
Please keep complete submissions to under four pages.
1. Workshop organizers should foster the creative potential that is tentatively present in a workshop.
2. Remember that a workshop is NOT a conference!
3. The success of a workshop depends greatly on the results generated on-site.
4. A number of interrelated issues should be taken into account in order to provide a good framework for such on-site creativity.
5. Presentation selection
Workshop proceedings can be printed in Tallinn provided they are delivered in camera-ready form by Aug 19, 2005.
Workshop attendance will be manage via the GPCE registration form. There will be a small workshop registration fee for participants registered to the main conference, and a higher fee for the other participants. Workshop organizers and presenters are required to register to the workshop.
Electronic submission of proposals must be sent to Proposals must be submitted no later than Feb 25, 2005, BUT EARLIER IS BETTER, as it allows for a more satisfactory coordination between workshop proposals.
The submitted proposals will be reviewed collectively by the Workshop Committee to determine a high quality and appropriate mix for the conference.
For additional information, clarification, or questions please feel free to contact the Workshop Chairs (