 %% Jimple whitespace and comments
module languages/jimple/Whitespace
  lexical syntax

    [\ \9\13\12\10] -> LAYOUT
    LineComment     -> LAYOUT
    LongComment     -> LAYOUT

  context-free restrictions
    LAYOUT? -/- [\ \9\13\12\10]   %% for whitespace
    LAYOUT? -/- [\/].[\/]         %% for EOL comments
    LAYOUT? -/- [\/].[\*]         %% for block comments

   %% End of line comments
  sorts LineComment LineTerminator EOLCommentChars
  lexical syntax

    "//" EOLCommentChars LineTerminator -> LineComment

    [\r]      -> LineTerminator
    [\n][\r]? -> LineTerminator
    ~[\10\13] -> EOLCommentChars  

  lexical restrictions
    EOLCommentChars   -/- ~[\10\13]

   %% Block comments
  sorts LongComment CommentPart BlockCommentChars AsteriskChar
  lexical syntax

    "/*" CommentPart* "*/"  -> LongComment
    AsteriskChar            -> CommentPart
    BlockCommentChars       -> CommentPart

    "*"                     -> AsteriskChar  
    ~[\*\\]+                -> BlockCommentChars 
  lexical restrictions
    "/*"         -/- [\/]
    AsteriskChar -/- [\/]
    BlockCommentChars -/- ~[\*\\]