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TWiki Registration

Due to Wiki registration spam, registration is currently only possible on request. If you are absolutely sure that you want an account, then please send the required information by email to Martin Bravenboer. Martin will choose an initial password, which you can then change to whatever you like.

Important: Note that registration is only useful if you want to edit pages on the Program Transformation Wiki. Please explain in your email why your are interested in program transformation and give some examples of topics you would like to contribute to. If this information is not convincing, then we will not immediately create an account. We ask you not to waste our time by asking for accounts that you are not going to use.

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please blame the spammers.

To edit pages on this TWikiSite, you must have a registered user name and password.

To register as a new user, simply fill out this form:

First & last name: **
Your WikiName: **
Email address: **
Your password: **
Retype password: **
Homepage URL: **
Country: **
     (Fields marked ** are required)

Submitting the form will automatically:

  • Create an account for you, so that you can start editing pages using your WikiName.
  • Create your personal TWiki topic using your WikiName as topic name, and add the data you submitted to the topic.
  • Add your name to the list of users in the TWikiUsers topic in the TWiki.Main web.
  • Send you a confirmation of your registration by email.

Once registered you can login using your WikiName and password.

If you have any questions about registration, send an email to*